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UHMW Precision Milled Bar 3/4" X 3/8" X 48" For Jigs, Fixtures or Miter Slots (size 3/4" x 3/8"). Slick Durable Material Slides with Ease (2 Bars)
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UHMW Precision Milled Bar 3/4" X 3/8" X 48" For Jigs, Fixtures or Miter Slots (size 3/4" x 3/8"). Slick Durable Material Slides with Ease (2 Bars)

Product ID: 78386281
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The idea behind using UHMW material for making jigs and fixtures is that the material stands up to friction better than wood and lower quality or lower density plastics. This makes it ideal for sleds where repetitive sliding happens regularly. Its also very slick in comparison to wood and other plastics. Even though its "slick", it does NOT leave behind any residue which means no clean up after use. We all know how residue left on a table saw can be rather irritating and even harder to remove. UHMW (Ultra High Molecular Weight) Polymer (plastic) is a linear polyethylene material with a molecular weight in the range of 3,000,000 to 6,000,000. UHMW is 10 times heavier than regular high density polyethylene making it extremely durable for constant repetitive use. Ideal for sleds where repetitive sliding happens regularly. Its also very slick in comparison to wood and other plastics. Even though its "slick", it does NOT leave behind any residue which means no clean up after use. We all know how residue left on a table saw can be rather irritating and harder to remove. Use this UHMW to make jigs and fixtures for your table saw , router table, etc. Use the 3/4" x 3/8" plastic strips to make sliding table jigs for your table saw, band saw or router table. Thickness & length of bar will slightly vary and may be short of 48" due to cut from manufacture. MADE IN THE USA!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Suresh K.

Very impressed with the quality and fast delivery. Will shop here again.

4 days ago

Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

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